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Group Album


































Journal Publications:

1.      T. Zhan, J. Zou, J. Xiong, X. Liu, H. Chen, J. Yang, S. Liu, Y. Dong, and S. T. Wu, �Practical chromatic aberration correction in virtual reality displays enabled by large-size ultra-broadband liquid crystal polymer lenses,� Adv. Opt. Mater. 8(2), 1901360 (2020).

2.      K. Yin, Z. He, and S. T. Wu, �Reflective polarization volume lens with small f-number and large diffraction angle,� Adv. Opt. Mater. 8, 2000170 (2020).

3.      J. Zou, T. Zhan, J. Xiong, and S. T. Wu, �Broadband wide-view Pancharatnam�Berry phase deflector,� Opt. Express 28(4), 4921-4927 (2020).

4.      Y. Li, T. Zhan, and S. T. Wu, �Flat cholesteric liquid crystal polymeric lens with low f-number,� Opt. Express 28(4), 5875-5882 (2020).

5.      T. Zhan, J. Xiong, G. Tan, and S. T. Wu, �Absorption-based polarization gratings,� Opt. Express 28(9), 13907-13912 (2020).

6.      Z. He, K. Yin, and S. T. Wu, �Passive polymer-dispersed liquid crystal enabled multi-focal plane displays,� Opt. Express 28(10), 15294-15299 (2020).

7.      L. Wu, F. Gou, S. T. Wu, and Y. Wang, �SLEEPIR: Synchronized Low-Energy Electronically-Chopped PIR Sensor for True Presence Detection,� IEEE Sensors Lett. 4(3), 2500204 (2020).

8.      Z. He, K. Yin, E.L. Hsiang and S.T. Wu, �Volumetric light-shaping polymer-dispersed liquid crystal films for mini-LED backlights,� Liq. Cryst. 47(10), 1458-1463 (2020).

9.      (Distinguished student paper) J. Jou, T. Zhan, J. Xiong, and S. T. Wu, �Increasing the pixel density for VR displays with a polarization grating,� J. Soc. Inf. Disp. 28, 315-323 (2020).

10.   (Distinguished student paper) K. Yin, H. Y. Lin, and S. T. Wu, �Chirped polarization volume grating for wide FOV and high efficiency waveguide-based AR displays,� J. Soc. Inf. Disp. 28, 368-374 (2020).

11.   (Distinguished student paper) J. Xiong, G. Tan, T. Zhan, and S. T. Wu, �Wide-view augmented reality display with diffractive cholesteric liquid crystal lens array,� J. Soc. Inf. Disp. 28, 450-456 (2020).

12.   (Distinguished student paper) Z. He, K. Yin, E. L. Xiang, and S. T. Wu, �Birefringent light-shaping films for mini-LED backlights,� J. Soc. Inf. Disp. 28, 476-482 (2020).

13.   (Review paper) T. Zhan, J. Xiong, J. Zou, and S. T. Wu, �Multifocal displays: review and prospect,� PhotoniX 1, 10 (2020).

14.   J. He, Z. He, S. T. Wu, and Y. Dong, �Ligand Assisted Swelling-Deswelling Microencapsulation (LASDM) for Stable, Color Tunable Perovskite-Polymer Composites,� Nanoscale Advances 2, 2034-2043 (2020).

15.   Z. He, G. Tan, Y.F. Lan, and S.T. Wu, �Design and Simulation of Low Circadian Action Micro-LED displays with Four Primary Colors,�Crystals 10, 383 (2020).

16.   E. L. Hsiang, Z. He, Y. Huang, F. Gou, Y. F. Lan, and S.T. Wu, �Improving the power efficiency of micro-LED displays with optimized LED chip sizes,� Crystals 10, 494 (2020).

17.   D. Franklin, Z. He, P. M. Ortega, A. Safaei, P. Cencillo-Abad, S. T. Wu, and D. Chanda, �Self-assembled plasmonics for angle-independent structural color displays with actively addressed black states,� PNAS 117(24), 13350-13358 (2020).

18.   (Review paper) Y. Huang, E. L. Hsiang, M.Y. Deng, and S.T. Wu, �Mini-LED, Micro-LED and OLED displays: Present status and future perspectives,� Light: Sci. & Appl. 9, 105 (2020).

19.   (Review paper) K. Yin, T. Zhan, J. Xiong, Z. He, and S.T. Wu, �Polarization Volume Gratings for Near-eye Displays and Novel Photonic Devices,� Crystals 10, 561 (2020).

20.   Z. He, K. Yin, and S. T. Wu, �Standing wave polarization holography for realizing liquid crystal Pancharatnum-Berry phase lenses,� Opt. Express 28(15), 21729-21736 (2020).

21.   C. Yoo, J. Xiong, S. Moon, D. Yoo, C-K. Lee, S. T. Wu, and B. Lee, �Foveated display system based on a doublet geometric phase lens,� Opt. Express 28(16), 23690-23702 (2020).

22.   J. Zou, E. L. Hsiang, T. Zhan, K. Yin, Z. He, and S. T. Wu, �High Dynamic Range Head-up Display,� Opt. Express 28(16), 24298-24307 (2020).

23.   (Perspective paper) T. Zhan, K. Yin, J. Xiong, Z. He, and S. T. Wu, �Augmented reality and virtual reality: perspectives and challenges,� iScience 23, 101397 (2020).

24.   Z. He, J. He, C. Zhang, S. T. Wu, and Y. Dong, �Swelling-Deswelling Microencapsulation-Enabled Ultrastable Perovskite-Polymer Composites for Photonic Applications,� Chem. Rec. 20, 672-681 (2020).

25.   Q. Yang, J. Zou, Y. Li, and S.T. Wu, �Fast-Response Liquid Crystal Phase Modulators with an Excellent Photostability,� Crystals 10, 765 (2020).

26.  J. Xiong, G. Tan, T. Zhan, and S. T. Wu, �Breaking the field-of-view limit in augmented reality with a scanning waveguide display,� OSA Continuum 3(10), 2730-2740 (2020).

27.  Z. Yang, T. Zhan, and S. T. Wu, �Polarization independent guided-mode resonance in liquid crystal-based polarization gratings,� OSA Continuum 3(11), 3107-3115 (2020). (Editor�s pick)

28.  J. Xiong and S. T. Wu, �Rigorous coupled-wave analysis of liquid crystal polarization gratings,� Opt. Express 28(24), 35960-35971 (2020).

29.  E. L. Hsiang, Q. Yang, Z. He, J. Zou, and S. T. Wu, �Halo effect in high-dynamic-range mini-LED backlit LCDs,� Opt. Express 28(24), 36822-36837 (2020).

30.  Y. Li, Z. Yang, R. Chen, L. Mo, J. Li, M. Hu, and S. T. Wu, �Submillisecond-response polymer network liquid crystal phase modulators,� Polymers 12, 2862 (2020).

31.  E. L. Hsiang, Y. Li, Z. He, T. Zhan, C. Zhang, Y. Dong, and S. T. Wu, �Enhancing the efficiency of color conversion micro-LED display with a patterned cholesteric liquid crystal polymer film,� Nanomaterials 10, 2430 (2020).

32.  T. Lin, T. Zhan, J. Zou, F. Fan, and S. T. Wu, �Maxwellian near-eye display with an expanded eyebox,� Opt. Express 28(26), 38616-38625 (2020).

33.  (Mini review) K. Yin, J. Xiong, Z. He, and S. T. Wu, �Patterning Liquid Crystal Alignment for Ultra-Thin Flat Optics,� ACS Omega 5, 31485-31489 (2020). DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.0c05087

Conference Papers:

1.      Z. He, C. Zhang, Y. Dong, and S. T. Wu, �Tailoring the Spectrum: Low-cost Perovskite-polymer composites,� Information Display 36(1), 10-15 (2020).

2.      T. Zhan, �Planar optics enables chromatic aberration correction in immersive near-eye displays,� Proc. SPIE 11310, 1131003 (2020).

3.      (Invited paper) T. Zhan, J. Zou, M. Lu, E. Chen, and ST Wu, Wavelength-multiplexed multifocal displays, Proc. SPIE, Advances in Display Technologies X 11304, 1130408 (2020).

4.      (Invited paper) F. Gou, E.L. Hsiang, G. Tan, P.T. Chou, Y.L. Li, Y.F. Lan, and S.T. Wu, High-efficiency micro-LED displays with indistinguishable color shift, Proc. SPIE, Advances in Display Technologies X 11304, 113040I (2020)

5.      (Invited Paper) E.L. Hsiang, Y. Huang, Q. Yang, and S. T. Wu, �High Dynamic Range Mini-LED and Dual-Cell LCDs,� SID Symp. Digest 51, 115-118 (2020).

6.      E.L. Hsiang, M.Y. Deng, Y. Huang, F. Gou, Z. He, C.L. Lin, and S. T. Wu, �Power Consumption of OLED and �LED Displays,� SID Symp. Digest 51, 528-531 (2020).

7.      (Invited Paper) T. Zhan, J. Xiong, G. Tan, and S.T. Wu, �Fast-Switching Liquid Crystal Devices for Near-Eye and Head-Up Displays,� SID Symp. Digest 51, 567-570 (2020).

8.      T. Zhan, J. Xiong, X. Liu, H. Chen, S. Liu, Y. Dong, and S.T. Wu, �Cost-Efficient Polymer Flat Lens for Chromatic Aberration Correction in Virtual Reality Displays,� SID Symp. Digest 51, 579-582 (2020).

9.      Y. Li, Y. Huang, H. Ooishi, K. Yoshidaya, and S. T. Wu, �Fast-response Liquid Crystals for AR and Head-Up Displays,� SID Symp. Digest 51, 765-768 (2020).

10.   F. Gou, G. Tan, Y. F. Lan, S. L. Lee, and S. T. Wu, �Ambient Light Excitation in Quantum-Dot-Converted MicroLED Displays,� SID Symp. Digest 51, 1174-1177 (2020).

11.   C. Zhang, Z. He, C. Gao, S.T. Wu, and Y. Dong, �Ultra-Stable Deep-Dyed Perovskite-Polymer Composites as Tunable Downconverters,� SID Symp. Digest 51, 1303-1306 (2020).

12.   M. A. Triana, S. T. Wu, and Y. Dong, �Bright, Large-Pixel, Flexible Quantum-Dot Light-Emitting Diodes for Photomedicine,� SID Symp. Digest 51, 1748-1751 (2020).



1.    Y. Dong, H. Chen, S. T. Wu, and J. He, �Quantum dot light emitting devices and method of manufacture,� US Patent 10,593,902 (March 17, 2020).