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Journal Publications:

1.      S. Xu, H. Ren, and S. T. Wu, Adaptive lens actuated by liquid crystal pistons, Opt. Express 20, 28518-28523 (Dec. 2012). (Chosen as Issue Highlight)

2.      H. Ren, S. Xu, and S. T. Wu, Gradient polymer network liquid crystal with a large refractive index change, Opt. Express 20, 26464-26472 (Nov. 19, 2012). 

3.      H. C. Cheng, J. Yan, T. Ishinabe, C. H. Lin, K. H. Liu, and S. T. Wu, Wide-view vertical field switching blue-phase LCD, J. Display Technol. 8, 627-633 (Nov. 2012). 

4.      L. Rao, S. He, and S. T. Wu, Blue phase liquid crystals for reflective projection displays, J. Display Technol. 8, 555-557 (Oct. 2012).

5.      J. Sun, Y. Chen, and S. T. Wu, Submillisecond-response and scattering-free infrared liquid crystal phase modulators, Opt. Express 20, 20124-20129 (Aug. 27, 2012). 

6.      Y. Li, Y. Chen, J. Yan, Y. Liu, J.  P. Cui, Q. H. Wang, and S. T. Wu, Polymer-stabilized blue phase liquid crystal with a negative Kerr constant, Opt. Mater. Express 2, 1135-1140 (2012).

7.      H. Ren, S. Xu, Y. Liu, and S. T. Wu, Liquid-based infrared optical switch, Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 041104 (July 23, 2012). 

8.      S. Xu, H. Ren, J. Sun, and S. T. Wu, Polarization independent VOA based on dielectrically stretched liquid crystal droplet, Opt. Express 20, 17059-17064 (July 16, 2012). 

9.      S. He, J. H. Lee, H. C. Cheng, J. Yan, and S. T. Wu, Fast-response blue-phase liquid crystal for color sequential displays, J. Display Technol. 8, 352-356 (June, 2012). 

10.   S. Xu, H. Ren, Y. Liu, and S. T. Wu, Color displays based on voltage-stretchable liquid crystal droplet, J. Display Technol. 8, 336-340 (June, 2012).

11.   Y. Li, Y. Liu, Q. Li, and S. T. Wu, Polarization independent blue-phase cylindrical lens with a resistive film, Appl. Opt. 51, 2568-2572 (May 10, 2012).

12.   H. Ren, S. Xu, and S. T. Wu, Optical switch based on variable aperture, Opt. Lett. 37, 1421-1423 (May 1, 2012).

13.   J. H. Lee, J. H. Lee, K. Oh, H. S. Kim, and S. T. Wu, Novel surface-stabilized vertical alignment mode for fast-response liquid crystal display, J. Display Technol. 8, 296-298 (May, 2012).

14.   H. C. Cheng and S. T. Wu, Sunlight readable transmissive LCDs, J. Display Technol. 8, 183-185 (April, 2012).

15.   J. Yan, Y. Chen, S. T. Wu, S. H. Liu, K. L. Cheng, and J. W. Shiu, Dynamic response of a polymer-stabilized blue-phase liquid crystal, J. Appl. Phys. 111, 063103 (March 15, 2012).

16.   H. C. Cheng, J. Yan, T. Ishinabe, N. Sugiura, C. Y. Liu, T. H. Huang, C. Y. Tsai, C. H. Lin, and S. T. Wu, Blue-phase liquid crystal displays with vertical field switching, J. Display Technol. 8, 98-103 (Feb. 2012).

17.   J. Sun, R. A. Ramsey, Y. Chen, and S. T. Wu, Submillisecond-response sheared polymer network liquid crystals for display applications, J. Display Technol. 8, 87-90 (Feb. 2012).



1.      Z. Ge, X. Zhu, S. T. Wu, and T.X. Wu, Liquid crystal display device having patterned electrodes for repetitive divided horizontal electric field and fringing electric field, U.S. patent 8,334,955 (Dec. 18, 2012).

2.      Q. Hong, R. Lu, X. Zhu, T.X. Wu, and S. T. Wu, Wide acceptance-angle circular polarizers, U.S. patent 8,330,911 (Dec. 11, 2012).

3.      J. H. Lee, X. Zhu, and S. T. Wu, Transflective liquid crystal display, U.S. patent 8,279,140 (Oct. 2, 2012).

4.      X. Zhu, Z. Ge, S. T. Wu, W. Y. Li, and C. K. Wei, Liquid crystal display, U.S. patent 8,208,080 (June 26, 2012).

5.      J. H. Lee, S. T. Wu, W. Y. Li, and C. K. Wei, Liquid crystal display with different twisting directions of liquid crystal molecules, U.S. patent 8,203,680 (June 19, 2012).

6.      Z. Ge, X. Zhu, T. X. Wu, S. T. Wu, W. Y. Li, and C. K. Wei, Transflective liquid crystal display comprising a dielectric layer between the first and second electrodes in the transmissive region, U.S. Patent 8,174,647 (May 8, 2012).

7.      C. C. Tsai, S. T. Wu, W. Y. Li, and C. K. Wei, Polarizing lamp, U.S. Patent 8,115,999 (Feb. 14, 2012).

8.      R. Lu, S. T. Wu, W. Y. Li, and C. K. Wei, Transflective Liquid crystal display, U.S. Patent 8,089,590 (Jan. 3, 2012).