Yuqiang Ding (丁玉强)
Ph.D. Candidate
CREOL, University of Central Florida
Office: Room 290, CREOL
Email: yuqiang.ding@ucf.edu
Phone: (407) 409-3289
Greetings! I'm a 4th year Ph.D. student under the supervision of
Prof. Shin-Tson Wu
at CREOL, University of Central Florida.
My current research interests include novel liquid crystal optical elements and optical system design in AR/VR displays.
Ph. D. in Optics
CREOL, University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida, USA
B. S. in Optics
School of Information and Science Engineering, Shandong University, Qingdao, Shandong, China
Y. Ding, Y. Zhang, Y. Ma, Y. Huang, and S. T. Wu, “Polarization conversion effect in cholesteric liquid crystal-based polarization volume gratings,” Opt. Express 32(25), 44426-44436 (2024).
Y. Ding,X. Huang, Y. Ma, Y. Li, and S. T. Wu, “High-efficiency RGB Achromatic Liquid Crystal Diffractive Optical Elements,” Opto-Electron Adv. (Accepted, 2024).
Y. Ding, Y. Gu, Q. Yang, Z. Yang, Y. Huang, Y. Weng, Y. Zhang, S.-T. Wu, “Breaking the in-coupling efficiency limit in waveguide-based AR displays with polarization volume gratings,” Light Sci. Appl. 13, 185 (2024).
Z. Luo, Y. Ding, F. Peng, Z. He, Y. Wang, and S.-T. Wu, “Compact and High-Efficiency Liquid-Crystal-on-Silicon for Augmented Reality Displays,” Photonics 11, 699 (2024).
Z. Yang, Z. Luo, Y. Ding, Y. Qian, S.-C. Chen, C.-L. Lin, and S. T. Wu, “Advances and challenges in microdisplays and imaging optics for virtual reality and mixed reality,” Device 2, 100398 (2024).