Liquid Crystal Displays Dr. Xinyu
Zhu ( Go to my personal webpage ) Research
scientist Phone:
(407) 823-4922 Fax:
(407) 823-6880 Email: xzhu@mail.ucf.edu College
of Optics&Photonics / CREOL & FPCE University
of Central Florida 4000
Central Florida Blvd. P.O.
Box 162700 Orlando, Florida 32816-2700
Educational history
09/1996 - 07/2001 |
Ph.D. (Condensed Matter Physics), in North Liquid Crystal Engineering Research & Development Center, Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). |
09/1992 - 07/1996 |
B.S. (Physics), Department of Physics, Jilin University, China |
Work experiences
12/2001 –
present |
Research scientist in College of Optics & Photonics/ CREOL & FPCE, University of Central Florida. |
07/2001 - 11/2001 |
Research scientist in North Liquid Crytsal Engineering Research & Development Center, Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) |
Publications in peer reviewed journals
18.Xinyu Zhu, Hai Jing, Ximin Huang, and Kai Ma, “Reflective phase change guest host type LCD”, Chinese Journal of Liquid Crystals and Displays, Vol.13, No.1, pp. 52-64 (1998) (in Chinese). |
Publications in conference proceedings
8. Xinyu Zhu, Sheng Wu, Hai Jing, Xibin Shao, Zhihua Ling and Ximin Huang, “Optical design of color reflective liquid crystal displays”, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 4147, pp.359-362 (1999). |
Issued China patents
3. Hai Jing, Li Xuan, Tao Yu, Xinyu Zhu, Min Chen, Zhiwei Zhang, Chenwei Zhen, Haifeng Li, Xiaowen Xu, and Ximin Huang, “A liquid crystal light switch with high contrast ratio and fast response time”, China patent No. ZL99251126.7, issued on Jul. 07, 2000. |
Issued US patents
US patent applications
Referee for journal papers
Website links
Some LC and LCD related journal links
updated by Xinyu
Zhu on 06/19/06.